
第一银行与启动新合作, the First Venture Fund to Invest Exclusively in Black Founded and Led Healthcare Companies in the U.S.


启动新 announces close of its $55M oversubscribed fund to invest exclusively in Black founded & 领导公司走在医疗保健创新的前沿

2022年1月12日,美国田纳西州纳什维尔EINPresswire.com/ - Jumpstart Health Investors与主要有限合伙人一起宣布启动 启动新, the first venture fund in America to invest exclusively in Black-founded and 领导公司走在医疗保健创新的前沿. 超额认购了最初的3000万美元目标, the $55M fund will invest exclusively in Black founder-led healthcare companies across health IT, 数字医疗, tech-enabled服务, 诊断设备, 生物技术, 医疗设备制造和消费者健康.

拥有医疗保健行业领导者的信誉支持, 启动新的投资者和医疗保健战略合作伙伴包括:礼来公司, HCA医疗, 卡地纳健康, 中庭健康, 亨利福特健康系统, 大型强子对撞机的组, Meharry医学院和美国医院协会. 除了, 该基金与合作伙伴美国银行共同推出, Pinnacle Financial Partners, 网上正规网投实体, 英格拉姆的行业, 特拉克斯顿信托和范德比尔特大学.

”The healthcare venture capital industry has missed out for decades on investing in America’s brilliant Black innovators, 这是我们所有人的损失. 启动新’s strong start and incredible group of limited partners validate the need to capitalize and support the vital solutions from this untapped talent base,启动新创始人兼管理合伙人表示, 马库斯·惠特尼.

马库斯·惠特尼, 医疗保健创新的领导者和第一个黑人主导的医疗保健投资基金的先驱, 是受到启发创建启动新来解决他在市场上看到的中心差距的. 启动新是由Jumpstart Health Investors (JHI)管理的基金家族中的最新成员。, 2015年,他与维克·加托在纳什维尔共同创立了这家公司. In 2020, JHI成功支持了四家公司的退出, 其中一半由黑人创始人领导, 惠特尼很快意识到将这些创新扩大规模的机会, and 启动新 was born of his efforts to back innovators that are historically under-funded, 资源不足和未知.

启动新 creates an opportunity for leaders focused on innovation in the healthcare industry to invest in talented Black healthcare founders. 通过适当地支持这些公司并投资于它们的成功, 我们将共同为市场带来新的解决方案,并推动整个行业的增长.

美国医院协会主席兼首席执行官里克·波拉克说, “Hospitals and health systems need strong partners to collaborate with to build healthier and more equitable communities. 启动新 aims to provide talented but too-often overlooked entrepreneurs with the capital they need to advance this important work. 美国心脏协会对该基金将进行的投资感到兴奋, 我们认为哪些可以对财务和社会影响的双重底线产生积极影响.”

有将近785个,000[1]公司在美国医疗保健行业今天, 只有35岁,000 businesses in the Health Care and Social Assistance sector are Black or African American owned.[2]这一比例不到5%. 在COVID-19大流行期间, 有两个问题引起了美国人的注意:医疗保健和种族平等. 启动新为投资者同时解决这两个问题创造了一个独特的机会.

•产生巨大回报, this fund will bring new innovators to the marketplace and ensure that talented Black healthcare founders are properly supported
•投资于处于医疗创新前沿的黑人创始人和领导者, 为所有人创造更加公平的未来

“We believe this partnership with 启动新 will help our continual effort to improve healthcare for our patients while accelerating our ability to collaborate with companies that are led by black entrepreneurs,Sam Hazen说, HCA医疗的首席执行官.

Whitney said “Our initial portfolio companies are tackling important issues for the healthcare industry like equitable access to clinical trials, 将新的细胞和基因疗法推向市场, 帮助有自闭症儿童的家庭获得他们需要的治疗支持, 并试图降低威胁生命的食物过敏发作的风险. 当许多人甚至怀疑这些创始人的存在时,我们知道他们已经准备好迎接黄金时代. 我们将一起在医疗保健行业留下重要的印记.”

在过去的七年里,JHI已经推出了7只基金,其中包括150多家投资组合公司. 能够利用JHI的专有资产, 启动新拥有新基金的所有创新, 一个完善的投资平台增加了稳定性,降低了风险, 包括他们的操作系统, 投资数据, 以及专有的交易流程.

“马库斯是一位有才华的投资者和商业缔造者,拉维·萨赫德夫说, Clayton的Jumpstart投资者和合伙人, 宝洁 & 赖斯专门从事医疗保健相关投资. “Jumpstart Health has already demonstrated the power of merging a great mission with a very rewarding opportunity set around the new and the next in healthcare.”

2021年8月, Kathryne Cooper joined 启动新 as a Partner to lead deals and manage the portfolio alongside Whitney. 总部位于洛杉矶, 加州, 作为医疗保健投资领域的专家,库柏是一笔不可思议的资产. 在西海岸技术联盟 & 儿科创新(CTIP),她之前管理他们的6美元.6M FDA-backed seed fund that invested in 150+ medical technology companies as Co-Director and now serves as Investment Advisor. 她创立了HealthTechDEI,并撰写了《网上正规网投实体》一书, 股本, 和纳入加州医疗保健基金会的医疗保健风险投资. 库珀的股票, “我开始了我的医学生涯, 所以作为投资者, I am motivated not only to work with innovators creating solutions that impact patient and clinical outcomes on a broad scale, but also believe that capital allocation — getting more capital into the hands of diverse investors and founders — is one of the most important ways to drive impact in healthcare venture investing.”

“创新是全球社区进步的命脉. 在中庭健康和启动新的使命中,我们看到了许多共同的目标. 在温斯顿-塞勒姆已经建立了一个创新区, 北卡罗莱纳, 夏洛特的一所新医学院附近正在建设一个新的创新区, 中庭健康正在努力进一步建立自己作为医学教育的领导者, 研究和生命科学创新, 但我们肩负着“为所有人”的使命,旨在促进我们所做一切事情的公平和准入. A key component of our innovation blueprint is ensuring entrepreneurs of color have ample opportunity to advance core ideas, 创造新技术,建设可持续发展, 有影响力的企业,将使我们所服务的人群和其他人受益,” Dr. Rasu Shrestha,企业执行副总裁兼首席战略官 & 中庭健康的转型官.

“These investments underscore Bank of America’s ongoing efforts to address the persistent gap in access to growth capital for minority-led businesses,泰森·摩尔说, 纳什维尔美国银行总裁. “启动新是该领域的领先基金. 它正在与实地的企业家合作,帮助他们塑造、建立和发展企业. Our investment in 启动新 is helping to provide the much-needed growth capital to minority and women entrepreneurs, 这反过来又使他们能够发展自己的业务, 创造更多就业机会, 并对当地经济产生更大的影响, 除了建设更加包容的营商环境.”

“It is a privilege to support 启动新’s investments in Black-founded and led companies driving innovation in healthcare,菲利普L说。. 他是礼来公司的高级副总裁兼财务主管. “礼来致力于推进种族正义, 包括改善美国黑人的健康状况和经济机会.”

“启动新 not only provides the funding historically unavailable through traditional venture investment channels, it also connects us to a fund manager with a deep commitment to Black-owned businesses with high potential for success,罗宾·达姆施罗德说, Henry Ford的执行副总裁兼首席财务官.

“LHC集团非常热衷于成为启动新的第一轮投资者. Marcus has been a well recognized innovator in healthcare for years; and now, 启动新 is providing opportunity to the next generation of healthcare entrepreneurs with both access to capital and guidance to get them to market. 我们很高兴能扮演配角,布鲁斯·格林斯坦说, LHC集团首席战略和创新官.

“We’re excited 网上正规网投实体 the potential of 启动新 and to serve as one of its strategic healthcare partners,”医生说。. 詹姆斯E.K. 希尔德雷斯,梅哈里医学院的总裁兼首席执行官. “特别是, 在医疗保健领域, the small percentage of minority-founded and led businesses—5%—is almost reflective of the percentage of Black physicians practicing in America. 纠正这种不平等需要大胆的方法和冒险, and 启动新’s support of Black-founded and led companies in the healthcare sector is just that kind of innovative thinking.”

“The healthcare industry has a large amount of untapped and undercapitalized talent in minority communities. 过去两年暴露了在获得护理和护理水平方面的严重不平等, 我们相信,在商业方面,更公平的竞争环境可以成为系统性改革的一部分, 长期解决方案. 启动新是行业需要强大公司的催化剂, 更好的护理和改善的患者预后,罗伯·麦凯布说, Pinnacle Financial Partners董事长.

了解有关启动新产品组合的更多信息 在这里.


• Drugviu is a virtual platform w在这里 patients with autoimmune disease can consolidate their entire health history, 参与临床研究, 并解锁个性化建议,以更好地控制他们的健康, 让他们过上自己应得的生活.
• Cellevolve is a novel development and commercialization 生物技术 focused on transforming cell therapy innovations into treatments.
•团队合作是负担得起的, tech-forward, 适当的工作人员, 以社区为基础的应用行为分析(ABA)服务于纽约的自闭症儿童.
•Alerje是一家总部位于底特律的公司, 食物过敏管理创新创业, committed to increasing the quality of life for millions dealing with life-threatening food allergies. 它的技术简化了食物过敏管理, reducing the stress for caregivers as they strive to prevent potentially deadly anaphylaxis incidents.

[1] http://policyadvice.net/insurance/insights/healthcare

[2] http://www.census.gov/newsroom/press-releases/2021/annual-business-survey.html

Natalie Byrne,战略沟通


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